Nordic Intense PvE — X Preeme

Server Information
Hostname Nordic X Preeme
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 16
Location Sweden
Version Alpha 21.2
Platform Linux
Map Old Ridale Territory
Registered by mar3ld
Registered since November 14th, 2021 04:30 AM EST
Last update February 11th, 2024 02:03 PM EST
Tag(s) Anticheat Difficulty 5

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 222
Score 3
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Note from the Admin:
This server will restart every Friday morning Swedish local time to implement new gaming mods and rules as per the admin's decisions. These updates are essential for enhancing gameplay, balancing mechanics, and ensuring a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players. It's imperative to log in again after each restart to familiarize yourself with the latest changes and adapt your strategies accordingly. Your active participation post-restart is crucial for maintaining a thriving gaming community and ensuring everyone's enjoyment.

Map backstory:
In the grim aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, where the world has been reduced to rubble and survival is a daily struggle, a group of middle-aged individuals find themselves enslaved by a ruthless tyrant who controls what remains of society.

Among them are women whose resilience refuses to be extinguished and men who silently plot their rebellion amidst the constant threat of the undead. One fateful night, they muster the courage to break free, battling through swarms of zombies to seek refuge in a secluded cottage deep within the forest.

Here, amidst the flickering light of candles and the lingering scent of stale snacks, they find solace and companionship. Yet their newfound freedom is complicated by the arrival of mysterious strangers whose intentions remain shrouded in secrecy.

Together, these middle-aged survivors form an unlikely alliance, united by their shared desire to carve out a future in a world overrun by chaos.

As they gather beneath the stars, oblivious to the dangers lurking beyond the safety of their sanctuary, they brace themselves for the challenges ahead, unaware that a greater threat looms on the horizon, one that will test their bonds and push them to the brink of their endurance...

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