Fatal Expedition

Server Information
Hostname Fatal Expedition | OnePointOh
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 28
Location United States of America
Version 1.01.00
Platform Linux
Map OnePointOh
Website https://discord.gg/fgR87r8E3B
Registered by kanaverum
Registered since February 26th, 2022 11:33 AM EST
Last update May 1st, 2024 04:42 AM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 4

Discord Server

Vote(s) 3
Rank 151
Score 11
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

πŸŒ‡ Fatal Expedition | Corsica
- πŸ–₯️ @ US East | Steam Direct Connect
- 🦾 Dedicated server delivers premium performance
- βœ… EAC Enabled, no need to download/install any mods; all are server-side for maximum convenience
- πŸ—ΊοΈ 6K Map
- πŸͺ™ Loot resets every 7 in-game days
- πŸ“¦ Customizable Daily Voting Crates loaded with ammo and supplies

🧟 An Exciting PVE Experience
- 🧠 After reaching level 25, 10 skills and levels can be forgotten on each death (outside of ones caused by PVP or Blood Moon); request Treatment from any trader to bolster defenses against Memory Loss
- 🎁 Boss Zombies are tough but have a high boss-loot drop rate
- ☣️ The Wasteland is radiated! You can survive for a while without protection, but will get progressively sick
- πŸ›‘οΈ Find or craft Hazmat gear to survive in the Wasteland longer

βš”οΈ An Engaging PVP Experience
- πŸŽ’ Drop Backpack
- πŸ’₯ Enhanced Explosives add bleed; books/skills no longer disable mines
- 🩻 XRay-Proof Hidden Stashes: hide backup resources/items in case you get raided
- ⏰ Scheduled Raid Times: infinite land claim durability and raid protection during the day, nightly raid hours from 7pm to 11pm (central)

πŸ«‚ A Friendly Community
- ✨ Relaxed atmosphere; server is difficult, but players often help each other out
- πŸ’¬ Connect with us on our Discord Server to get to know us - feel free to ask questions and bring your friends

πŸ“† Changes This Season
- ☣️ The Wasteland is radiated! You can survive for a while without protection, but will get progressively sick
- πŸ›‘οΈ Find or craft Hazmat gear to survive in the Wasteland longer

πŸ—ΊοΈ An Interesting Map