CTVI Zombies English Europe

CTVI Zombies English Europe
Server Information
Hostname CTVI Zombies Server
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 32
Location United Kingdom
Version Alpha 21.2
Platform Windows
Website https://www.ctvizombies.com/
Registered by CTVI_Gaming
Registered since March 3rd, 2022 05:36 AM EST
Last update December 1st, 2023 04:35 AM EST
Tag(s) Anticheat Difficulty 3

Discord Server

Vote(s) 2
Rank 168
Score 8
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Custom hand built map MEGA city. Only of it's kind.
Featuring every single POI from the TFP and lots from the community. Over 300 from just ourselves.
We have built in many custom features to the map and server. Some of which are listed below. Along with some that we have decided to add. You can request new features on our discord channel.
Google style map
2nd In game CTVI Coins.
Player teleports
QoL mods written by us giving us full control over support and direction.
3 seats to gyro, more slots to crafting queue, backpack, forge and output slots to workbenches
Enhanced dew collectors, vehicles, base defenses, power generators
Extra food, drinks and beers
Patreon special trader location you can teleport to for buying special items.
Initial spawn welcome area.
Starter kit buyable set of items to get a head start.
Gimme command to give player random item.
In game shop.
Lots of special messages trigger for certain in game events.
Lots of special event triggers for certain in game events.

Server Video