Guns Nerds And Steel Community Server

Guns Nerds And Steel Community Server
Server Information
Address Private Server
Hostname Guns, Nerds and Steel
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 1 / 26
Location United States of America
Version 1.01.00
Platform Linux
Map Pabogi Valley
Registered by badplayer_7_days
Registered since July 2nd, 2022 03:51 PM EST
Last update April 28th, 2024 11:42 AM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 3

Discord Server

Vote(s) 232
Rank 43
Score 372
Favorited 17
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Come join the community and become a Nerd of Steel!

Come join this fast growing community of 7 Days To Die players just like you!
We have the best staff and bot.

Live Map

Server Settings
10k RWG Map
Warrior Difficulty
100% XP
100% Loot
Drop Everything On Death
Feral Sense at Night
Zombies jog During The Day
Zombies Run Nights
Ferals and Bloodmoon Sprint
14 Day Loot Respawn
24 Hour Air Drops
200 Meter Party Kill Share
4 Land Claims
41 Meter Land Claim Size
30 Meter Buffer
21 Day Land Claim Expiry Time

Modlets All mods are server side only, so you don't have to download anything to play!
By KhaineGB
👉60 slot inventory
By Saminal1
👉Powered lights
👉Working stoves & grills
By Naz
👉Tree stumps that grow into trees
By Snufkin
By BadPlayer
👉Starter roles
👉5% chance to get wheel from tires in the road
👉Chicken coops
👉Plantable peas and tomatos with recipes to make can of peas and can of can of pasta
👉Custom tabbed escape menu with rules and information on teleports. (With help from Saminal1)
👉More dye colors. (With help from Highope)
👉Dumpster bikes
👉Double stacks
👉Decor station
👉Mechanic station
👉Armory station
👉Research station
👉Easier farming
👉Working coffee maker
👉Bear rugs when harvesting bears
👉Random gen improvements

Server Video

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
1 / 21
0 / 21 Difficulty 4