Darkness Falls-Apocalyptic Gaming

Server Information
Hostname Darkness Falls-Apocalyptic Gaming
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 1 / 30
Location United States of America
Version Alpha 21.2
Platform Linux
Map DFalls-Large2-PEP
Registered by CoDizzle
Registered since March 15th, 2023 09:07 AM EST
Last update March 15th, 2023 05:57 PM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 3

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 231
Score 5
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Difficulty is set to warrior, %100 XP %150 Loot- ServerTools Installed, Type /commands in game chat for a list of in game commands! Server Just wiped on 3/14/23! Apocalyptic Gaming is also running At Least other 10 other 7DTD Server's like Joke Mod, War of the Walkers, Undead Legacy, ReBirth and War3Zuk. Just search Apocalyptic in NAE to see all servers! I keep everything current and up to Date so you can just join using the Mod Launcher! Check out the discord for more info or dm me on discord: CoDizzle#1194 Discord Invitation code: https://discord.gg/VSqd7vwcp3

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Rank Server Players Status Tags
2 / 30 Difficulty 1
0 / 30 Difficulty 3
1 / 30 Difficulty 3
0 / 30 Difficulty 3
2 / 20 Difficulty 3