☣ [EAST EU] The Last of Us ☣

Server Information
Hostname ☣[EU/UA] The Last of Us [Wipe 25.07] ☣
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 1 / 32
Location France
Version 1.01.00
Platform Linux
Map Meyetii Valley
Website https://lastofus.bid/
Registered by Haristum
Registered since November 2nd, 2023 02:37 AM EST
Last update November 2nd, 2023 03:06 AM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 3
Vote(s) 0
Rank 184
Score 6
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

PvE Serverside Mods. Friendly Community and all mods are serverside meaning you don't need to download! All blocks from POI's able to be crafted! State of the art specifications and more importantly, no lag!
- 3 Slot Forge
- 1-st Day loot
- Increased inventory
- Changed beds
- Solar cells when disassembling panels
- Elements bullets
- UI Pack
- Better AirDrop
- Open trader

- Completely redesigned bloody night
- Tree optimization
- Closed traders for a bloody night