Cafe Gaming | Chaos Roast

Server Information
Hostname Cafe Gaming | Chaos Roast
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 4 / 20
Location United States of America
Version 1.01.00
Platform Linux
Map ChaosRoast
Registered by CafeGaming
Registered since June 26th, 2024 08:03 PM EST
Last update June 28th, 2024 05:09 PM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 2

Discord Server

Vote(s) 2
Rank 117
Score 7
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Chaos Roast Server - PVE Nomad Difficulty, 200% Exp and 150% Loot, Custom Server Side Mods!
POI Claiming is allowed within our restrictions, please see cr-info on the discord for those rules.

-150% Loot Abundance (Loot Respawns every 5 in game days)
-200% XP Multiplier
-Air Drops every day
-1000 Shared XP Range
-x4 LCB Maximum, 51x51 LCB Size
-Drop Nothing on Death
-Large Zombie World Cap!

Thank you for playing in a mature, polite fashion as we pride ourselves on fostering a non-toxic environment.

We now have THREE vanilla servers: Light Roast (EZ/Builder), Medium Roast (Medium no poi claiming allowed), and Chaos Roast (Medium with poi claiming allowed). We have a Darkness Falls server we call Dark Roast. Check out the info channels on discord to choose the server for you!
-Horde night every 7 days with 2 day variation

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
1 / 20 Difficulty 2
0 / 30 Difficulty 2
1 / 16 Difficulty 1