In Realm Life

Server Information
Hostname In Realm Life
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 2 / 40
Location United States of America
Version 1.01.00
Platform Linux
Map Huuge
Registered by Insanity
Registered since June 28th, 2024 01:45 PM EST
Last update June 28th, 2024 01:50 PM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 3

Discord Server

Vote(s) 11
Rank 92
Score 22
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Direct Connect: steam://connect/
Live Map:
10k Map
200% XP | Difficulty: 3 | Drop On Death: Bag Only
Land Claims: 5 | Air Drops: 24hrs | NO PVP

Resets: Day 1,000, or as needed

All mods are server side only, you don't need to download anything. Just connect and enjoy.
- Game chat tied into Discord chat
- HUD/UI Replacement
- More backpack slots
- Enemy HP Bars
- 24/7 Trader that also restocks daily
- Larger item stacks
- 12 crafting slots
- 3 forge slots
- Shorter zombie reach, no zombie should have arms longer than a spear reach!
- Sell all of an item to a trader, don't be left with 1 stone anymore!
- Cars respawn
- Quests show POI names
- Eggs are more easily found
- Trees falling animation is gone
- Items can now hold more mods, varies per tier of item
- Craft clear bullet proof glass, that is more easily repaired
- Auger and chainsaw no longer rape your ears when used
- AutoBots! Passively mine resources or make ammo, at a cost
- Titanium shapes, blocks, and new titanium tools
- In-game teleport commands
- And much more!