ReSGamingInc Alpha 21 WotW V21.2.2.7 Stable

ReSGamingInc Alpha 21 WotW V21.2.2.7 Stable
Server Information
Hostname ReSGamingInc Alpha 21 WotW V21.2.2.7 Stable
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 200
Location United Kingdom
Version Alpha 21.2
Platform Windows
Map ResGamingIncWotWAlpha21
Registered by reserect
Registered since July 30th, 2024 05:24 AM EST
Last update August 3rd, 2024 10:10 AM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 2

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 229
Score 5
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

ReSGamingInc Alpha 21 WotW V21.2.2.7 Stable
Wotw updated for the latest version using Alpha 21.2 wotw
Welcome to the WoTW Server by Res Darkmatter
Restarts should be 12:00 & 00:00 Uk time
WotW version!AiLHz1fbIlqOtuIApl8xIgutBGmyBg?e=4nsjPt


world file!AiLHz1fbIlqOtuIBScUtlhER_EXdGg?e=i2gPNq for users to add to AppDataRoaming7DaysToDieSavesLocal

Server description ReSGamingInc Alpha 21 WotW V21.2.2.7 Stable
Server website url
GameDifficulty 2
BlockDamagePlayer 100
BlockDamageAI 50
BlockDamageAIBM 50
XPMultiplier 125
PlayerSafeZoneLevel 5
PlayerSafeZoneHours 5
DayNightLength 60
DayLightLength 18
DropOnDeath 3
DropOnQuit 0
BedrollDeadZoneSize 15
BedrollExpiryTime 45
AllowSpawnNearBackpack true
MaxSpawnedZombies 64
MaxSpawnedAnimals 10
ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance 6
MaxQueuedMeshLayers 1000
EnemySpawnMode true
EnemyDifficulty 0
ZombieFeralSense 2
ZombieMove 0
ZombieMoveNight 1
ZombieFeralMove 1
ZombieBMMove 2
BloodMoonFrequency 7
BloodMoonRange 7
BloodMoonWarning 8
BloodMoonEnemyCount 15
LootAbundance 200
LootRespawnDays 2
AirDropFrequency 12
AirDropMarker true
PartySharedKillRange 250
PlayerKillingMode 0
LandClaimCount 1
LandClaimSize 41
LandClaimDeadZone 30
LandClaimExpiryTime 7
Version Alpha.21.2.37

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Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 200 Difficulty 2