Alpha 1.1 is out
Posted on September 13th, 2013 06:53 AM EST
The version Alpha 1.1 for 7 Days To Die has been released today.
Here is the changelog:
- Mac version support
- New recipes for brick, decayed brick, pavers red wood
- Fixed console pop up on errors bug
- Improved Memory management
- Duplicate item exploit fixed
- Fixed damage delay on spike traps for the player
- Fixed bug that when placing chest it was filled with loot
- Fixed bug that zombies dance on stairs
- Fixed bug that fat zombie broke the stairs
- Server checks client on connection if this client is activated
- Max player limit is now 6 in GUI mode
- Password is encrypted now in registry and on web access
- Fixed bug when close shots went through zombies
- Fixed bug that doors had wrong orientation on placing them
- Fixed problem that if during reloading clip was removed gun was full though by removing clip on start of reload
- Fixed exploit that two people could pick up an item at the same time
- New dedicated server command line syntax
To find Alpha 1.1 servers: