Undead Nightmare [PVE]

Server Information
Hostname Undead Nightmare [PVE]
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 20
Location United States of America
Version Alpha 21.2
Platform Windows
Map Old Leecize Mountains
Registered by Wotipka
Registered since December 27th, 2023 05:51 PM EST
Last update April 15th, 2024 09:32 AM EST
Tag(s) Anticheat Difficulty 4

Discord Server

Vote(s) 48
Rank 89
Score 78
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Last Date Wiped

15-Apr-2024, 10AM EST

Basic World Settings

Server Map - Old Leecize Mountains
Server Map Size - 8192
Server Difficulty - 4 (Survivalist)
Server Exp Rate - 100%
Server Loot Rate - 150%
Loot Respawn Time - 5 Days
Air Drops - Everyday
Land Claim Size - 51x51
Available Land Claims - 4 per player
Party Shared Kill Range - 10k+ meters

Server Description

We are an evolving community that has recently celebrated its first year as a public experience. With all Mods and prefabs server-sided, there is no need to download or install anything client-side. Our map is filled with dangerous custom prefabs, complete with quests, offering a grueling, but rewarding, adventure for players of all experience levels. Brace yourself for an arduous journey ahead, where every step you take will be filled with excitement and uncertainty.

To further enrich your gaming experience, we have introduced over 40 additional prestige skills into the game. These skills are designed to enhance your abilities and empower you in your gameplay experience. To overcome the obstacles in our challenging server, it is wise to invest in these bonus skills once unlocked.

We also strongly encourage player bartering and vendors, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Trade and negotiate strategically with other players to get valuable resources and form alliances for survival. Numerous vending rentals are available in our lobby to further promote player-to-player trading.

With our implementation of donor roles, you can access various exclusive commands within the game using Botman. These roles have been carefully designed to ensure fairness among all players, regardless of their experience level. Careful thought has been implemented into the higher tiers of roles to ensure minimal disruption of the game balance. These roles will serve as a reflection of your commitment to the community and your desire to fully immerse yourself whenever you play.

Our goal is to make everyone have fun together, with no pressure to shell out funds for further development and monetization. To delve deeper into the world of Undead Nightmare PVE, join our Discord community. Here, you can find more information about our in-game mods, bot commands, and exciting server events. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your gaming experience and connect with fellow players.

Join us in this immersive and thrilling gaming experience, where every decision you make will shape your destiny. We're not just a typical server; our experience is a journey meant test your skills, resilience, and determination. Are you ready to embark on this epic adventure?

Originally registered on 07-Dec-2022 by MindlessDeviant