BRAINDEAD | 500/500 | PVE

Server Information
Hostname BRAINDEAD | PVE | 500/500
Status Checked 4 minutes ago / Online 3 hours ago
Players 0 / 20
Location Australia
Version 1.01.00
Platform Windows
Map Pregen08k2
Registered by sponge689
Registered since April 6th, 2024 08:08 AM EST
Last update July 5th, 2024 10:01 PM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 5

Discord Server

Vote(s) 204
Rank 47
Score 308
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to the chaos of the "Braindead" server, where survival is not just a game. It's a gritty saga of resilience and adaptation in the face of unrelenting apocalypse. Dive into the depths of added content, wielding the formidable Rail Gun and harnessing solar power with craftable panels, all while clad in custom armor forged from the remnants of a shattered world. Whether you're fortifying your stronghold with an arsenal of building blocks or braving the hordes of custom zombies lurking in the shadows of the night, this modlist amplifies the challenge to extreme levels. With perks offering godlike abilities (tread carefully!) and wastelands teeming with lethal radiation, every decision is a matter of life or death. Revel in the security of lockable inventory slots, the assurance of hourly backups, and the strategic advantage of a banking system for safeguarding your hard-earned loot across server resets. From initial gear boosts to continuous bug fixes, the "Braindead" server is the ultimate battleground for survivalists—just stay vigilant and keep an eye on the change-log for the latest twists and turns in this relentless journey.