7 days down under

7 days down under
Server Information
Hostname AU | 7 days down under 1.0 | WIPED
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 32
Location Australia
Version 1.01.01
Platform Windows
Map Gulaze Mountains
Website https://discord.gg/RZJmmrrYhA
Registered by Middo
Registered since June 25th, 2024 11:58 PM EST
Last update June 26th, 2024 12:13 AM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 2
Vote(s) 1
Rank 244
Score 5
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

7 days down under is a quality of life server for 7 days to die.
Friendly Australian community based on discord, with helpful admins.
Server sided mods only so you don't need to download the mods yourself.