Skynet MIDGARD - Medium PVE

Skynet MIDGARD - Medium PVE
Server Information
Hostname Skynet Midgard - Medium PVE - Wiped 07/27
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 30
Location United States of America
Version 1.01.01
Platform Linux
Map Midgard
Registered by Skynet_Gamers
Registered since May 8th, 2019 01:13 AM EST
Last update June 13th, 2023 03:56 PM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 3

Discord Server

Vote(s) 74
Rank 76
Score 122
Favorited 19
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

Welcome to Skynet Gamers Medium PVE server, MIDGARD!

Welcome to Skynet! where you will not only find fun awesome games but a virtual Family to spend some time with! We are so fortunate to have such a large and friendly Community that just Keeps Growing! so please Join us and see for yourself!! we are currently running 4 7days to Die Servers. a lil something for anyone.

Midgard is our Medium Server, we are running a21 experimental, when we go stable We will have fun teleport's for everyone to enjoy such as a community Horde night Fort ( /fort) or you don't like to fight that's ok chill out in our market and watch the chat and root for those who decided to fight! also want to sell goods we will help you set up a Vending booth at /market ! and much more.

We have an active Discord that we encourage all our players to Join to keep track of our Rules and upcoming events, share your gaming experience moments in our picture channels, and of course our many Voice chat channels! Everyone is welcome and we are always happy to make new friends hope to see you in-game!

Current Server Settings
EAC Anticheat: Enabled
Loot: 100%
Loot Respawn: 12 days
AirDrop Freq: 36 hours
Shared Xp Range: 500
Game Difficulty: 3
Max Players: 50
Xp Multiplyer: 2x
Drop on Death: Everything
Max Zombies: 100
Max Animals: 50
Zombies: Walk
Zombies(Night): Run
Zombies(Feral): Run
Zombies(BloodMoon): Sprint
BloodMoon Freq: 7 Days
Land Claims: 1 block (2 for Tier 1 donor, 3 for Tier 2 donor, and 4 for Tier 3 donor)
Land Claim Size: 51 blocks
Land Claim Dead Zone: 30 blocks
Land Claim Expiry: 14 days

Current Server Mods
Allocs Server Fixes
BadCompany SM

*~*Skynet Mods!!*~*

This will allow you to craft, wire up, and turn on/off most of the lights from the creative menu. Basic lights do need "Advanced Engineering" perk lvl 1 and some more advanced will require "Advanced Engineering" perk lvl 2 to craft.

1. Shapeshifter module
- 64 new shapes for Wood Frame Block. Most of them was "creative only". Including so wanted long ramps.
- All of new shapes are paintable and upgradable in same manner as vanilla one.
- As the vanilla game does not have frame icons for all those shapes and to keep the mod purely server sided (no download needed to play) most new shapes use filled block icons.

2. Extravaganza module
- 46 new dye colors to paint all your clothes and armors.
- All dyes can be randomly found in loot.

3. Burnout module
- 4 new nods you can install on your vehicles that will increase it's speed, spotlight intensity, durability or decrease fuel usage
- All new vehicle mods can be bought from trader Bob secret stash on max trading rank.
- 5 player seats for 4x4 truck.
- 2 player seats for Motorcycle.

4. Tesla module
- Increased Generator Bank gas tank to 10000 (was 1000), that will let you run it on max output for about 24 hours.
- 2 craftable wire relay blocks - Fusebox and Electrical Box, both work as vanilla relay BUT all wires going out of them will be invisible.
- 28 craftable light sources, including street lights, industrial lights, x-ray displays. All light requires "Advanced Engineering" perk or "Basics of Electricity Schematics" read to craft.
- Decreased power need for both vanilla and moded light sources. Let's relight this wasteland together!

5. Waifu module
- 7 new craftable cooking stations - 3 stoves and 4 grills. All have same functionality as campfire.
- 12 craftable water sources. You can fill your empty glass jars by right clicking on those faucets or sinks.

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
2 / 30 Difficulty 1
0 / 30 Difficulty 5