-= Blue Goo Gaming III =-| PvE | JokeMOD

Server Information
Address 7dtd.bluegoogaming.com:26922
Hostname -= Blue Goo Gaming III =- | PvE | v1.3 (b6 - Experimental)
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 0 / 16
Location United States of America
Version 1.01.03
Platform Windows
Map New Filapavi Mountains
Website https://BlueGooGaming.com
Registered by bluegoogaming
Registered since December 31st, 2021 02:21 PM EST
Last update October 31st, 2024 11:51 PM EST
Tag(s) Anticheat Difficulty 3

Discord Server

Vote(s) 3
Rank 118
Score 10
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to Blue Goo Gaming's 7 Days To Die Dedicated Servers

When you are ready to check out a new server think of us. Our hundreds of active players are friendly, helpful, funny, and good looking (at least that is what they say!) Everyone is welcome to join.

You can challenge yourself on our various servers that are setup for experienced players while being not too over the top. We run several servers ranging from Vanilla to full over-haul MODs.

This specific server is currently running JokeMOD over-haul MOD JokeMOD Discord

The best way to join our community, ask questions, check server status, and get help is our Blue Goo Discord. This is where you'll be able to connect with our MODs and ADMINs.

You can get more info by visiting our website at https://BlueGooGaming.com

Dedicated Physical Server (Xeon E-2186G Hexa Core CPU, 64GB RAM, and SSD)
High Bandwidth / Low Lag (Hosted in a data center in Chicago, IL, USA)
High Priority (7DTD server runs at higher priority for the best performance)
Automated server restarts
Discord Server (With in game chat integration)
Server managers: CPM, and CSMM
Interactive Server Web Map
Custom chat commands and teleports
Lobby area with workstations and resources
In game shop and currency system
Multiple anti-cheat protections and features
Gimme command & voting rewards
Donator rewards (Custom name coloring, additional teleport points, increased in-game currency)
A fun and friendly group of regular players
Active admins and moderators online daily

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
19 / 40 Difficulty 3
3 / 40 Anticheat Difficulty 3
0 / 50 Difficulty 3