Nordic PvE — A New Beginning

Nordic PvE — A New Beginning
Server Information
Hostname Nordic PvE — A New Beginning (old)
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 16
Location Sweden
Version 1.01.01
Platform Linux
Map New Peevu Mountains
Registered by mar3ld
Registered since November 14th, 2021 04:30 AM EST
Last update August 1st, 2024 03:30 AM EST
Tag(s) Difficulty 3

Discord Server

Vote(s) 17
Rank 126
Score 32
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Map backstory:

The sun set over Haven’s Fall, overrun with zombies as annoying as mosquitoes. The city, once bustling, now reeked of despair. In a fortified hotel, confused survivors huddled. Alex, a former mechanic turned reluctant leader, watched the zombie flash mob below. “We can’t stay here forever,” Alex sighed. “These zombies are more persistent than telemarketers.” Rumors of a safe zone floated around. Reaching it meant navigating zombie-central—like wrestling a lion. “Alright, everyone, gather up,” Alex called. “We leave at first light. Pack light. Think extreme camping.” As darkness fell and zombie moans grew louder, Alex and his group were ready. They had survived this long and would keep fighting for a new beginning. Then what happened?

Ps. This server records player data.

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